Humanity is the Saviour in times of Corona


Humanity is the Saviour in times of Corona

The earth is under attack. And this time, the world is not being saved by caped superheroes; but we are being rescued by doctors, healthcare professionals and humanitarians. The COVID-19 virus outbreak has brought the entire world to a standstill, in some cases literally. India is under a 21-day lockdown period. All schools and colleges, corporate and civic offices, shopping malls and theatres, hotels and resorts have been shut down. All modes of public transport including bus, trains, and flights have been stopped temporarily.

The lockdown is a necessary measure to break the chain of the virus. It is the only way we can stop more people from coming in contact with those already infected. Social distancing is of utmost importance in this situation. But even a good deed with good intentions can have a negative impact. Due to the complete lockdown of all non-essential services, many daily wage labourers are suddenly out of employment.

Here is what we all can do to help those in need.

Distribute food to the poor

Families that depend on daily wages for their livelihoods are going hungry. This is the time when we come out in support of our local community. We all know people in our neighbourhoods whose life has been disrupted by this lockdown – housemaids, cooks, cleaners and pressers, and more. In these times of crisis, it is important we give a lending hand to our fellow humans. If you can afford, then please donate some essential commodities to these poor families. The Country Roads management joined hands with the local authorities to deliver food and ration to over 500 families in Raghudevpur, Basudebpur, Santoshpur, Ketopol, Belkulai, etc. under the Raghudevpur GP Area.


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Donate to Charities

The government has set up the PM-CARES Fund to help those affected by the COVID-19 crisis. There are also many NGOs and famous charitable organisations who are doing their bit to help feed the poor. You can donate to these charities to help a good cause. Or better yet, you may come up with a charitable initiative of your own. Start a donation campaign for your local community in your building, housing complex, or neighbourhood. To garner more support, partner up with a local club from your area. Country Roads team helped distribute food and water to the residents of an Old Age Home. In association with Rajapur Police Station, they delivered food and bottled drinking water among the elderly people at Maa Sarada Bhavan, Banibon Bazar in Uluberia, Howrah.


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Help the Strays

As the streets become empty, the most affected are stray animals. There is no one left to feed them. With people not stepping out of their homes due to the lockdown, stray animals are suddenly missing their daily food. In such times, it is important we show kindness to these helpless animals. If you have stray animals near your home, give them food and leftovers. When you step out of the house to run some essential chores, try and feed any stray animal that you come across your path. There are also many charities who have taken up the cause of feeding stray animals during this period, you can donate to them.

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These small steps of kindness and empathy can go a long way in helping those who need it. The Corona Virus is a threat to human race. And humanity is the only thing that will save us.